Friday, December 3, 2010

Friday, December 3rd

When Esperanza goes to see Elenita the fortuneteller, she has a specific and very important question about her future. She doesn’t ask if she will be rich or marry a wealthy man, but instead asks where her home will be.

Imagine that you are going to visit a fortuneteller. If you could only ask one question, what specifically would you want to know? Explain why you chose this to be the most important question you need to have answered.

Post your comments then read and comment on what others have to say. Don't forget to address each other by name.


Anonymous said...

? was here

Anonymous said...

I personally think I would want to know if I made a bad milestone, and took the wrong path, or made a good milestone and succeeded in my goals I have set.(:

Anonymous said...

If i went to a fortune teller the one question i would ask is how i would die so when i am about to die i can at least try to prevent it.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth 2 Shawn,
what if there was no prevention?.

Anonymous said...

If I was going to visit a fortuneteller, my question would be.....How old am I when I die.?

mmatysak said...

Be more specific Elizabeth. Pick a milestone you want to know about.

Anonymous said...

I think i would want to know if i went chose the right path or the wrong path.

Anonymous said...

Shawn 2 elizebeth
I can still try knowing how i die gives me a advantage

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth your response kind of sounds like a ryhme. lol.

mmatysak said...

Shawn, how would you change your life?

Anonymous said...

Christian Jimenez
If I where to go i would see who i would marrie, I have allways been curious who im going to spend the rest of my life with.

mmatysak said...

Emily, right or wrong path about what? You're just a teenager?

Anonymous said...


I would ask her how much money i will make,
I would ask her this so I could know how much i could spend and what i could spend it on

Anonymous said...

Dakota Burton

If i had to see a fortune teller I would see if i was going to get in to uper education or not.

Anonymous said...

If i was going to a fortune teller I would probably ask "What will I be when I am an adult?" So that I know what I can study the most for and get the best education to achieve that career.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth @ mmatysak,
If I chose a bad milestone, like choosing a wrong friend and maybe they got me on drugs, i dont think i would ever do drugs, just an example, Or if I made a smart decision and refused drugs (: (which is mostly likely to happen) just another example

Anonymous said...

Christian thats weird but cute at the same time. Most guys could care a less.

mmatysak said...

WOuld knowing this fact change the way you were around the person? would you seek the person out?

Anonymous said...

i mean like when im older my parents are always talking about taking the right path i wouldnt want to take the wrong path and mess up my life

mmatysak said...

so what about the question being: What is the best or worst decision I'm going to make in my life?

Anonymous said...

If i only had one qustion i could ask i would have to say that it would be.I'm i going to be happy most of the time thought out my life. Because that to is the most inportant thing

Anonymous said...


Thatd be a good thing to ask too. a pretty important factor in life is your partner

Anonymous said...

Meagan that would actually be a good idea soo you dont waste your time doing something when your not goin to make anything of it.

mmatysak said...

What if she said no? Would you just give up then?

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth 2 Meagan,
good points, i like how you would want to know that so you can study more (:

Anonymous said...

The one question i would ask the fortunteller is, who i would be in life. Would i be a kind peron or a selfish person. I would want to know if people would look up to me or would i be the guy in the paper that got shot cause some one didn't like him. I would want to know how people would trest me and how i would treat them.

mmatysak said...!

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth @ mmatysak

mmatysak said...

Sean- John,
You'd need a fortune teller to tell you what kind of person you are? will become?

Anonymous said...


No i would just keep try to get better grades or go to a diffent fortane teller

Anonymous said...

i would probly ask what kind of car would my first one be or what my first job would be

Anonymous said...

Beau to meagan
I like that qustion cause that is a big part of life

Anonymous said...

Christian@ miss Matysak
I really dont know what i would do maybe i wouldent want to because it could probly mess everything up.

Anonymous said...

Why would you ask that?? just wondering (:

mmatysak said...

Emily, I think is vague but interesting. Do you have enough confidence in yourself then to take the right path?

Anonymous said...

Melani, I know right I mean if your going to have a career as a photographer then you don't really need to know your history except for osme backround information about other photographers.

Anonymous said...


am i going to live the way i want

mmatysak said...

sorry, Emily, I think your response is vague

Anonymous said...


I would wont to now if i will make an impact on someones life because i think that would be another milestone in my life.

Anonymous said...

I guess the most important question would be what my future career would be, by knowing that you get a good estimate of your income, and with that knowlege you could make assumptions on what kind of house you live in.

Anonymous said...

Dakota if youre just going to keep trying get good grades and continue through school why would you even ask

mmatysak said...

Meagan and Melani,
What if your future job is to photograph historical sites? WOuldn't historical knowledge be valuable?

Anonymous said...

Meagan yea totally. I dont want to be learing something i dont need to know for my job.

Anonymous said...


just to get a second apponion

mmatysak said...

Dakota, Emily has a point. Then why would you even ask that question?

Anonymous said...

Meagan has a good point when she said to know what job she will get to study for it but wouldent the fortune teller know that you will study and tell you how good you will be since you studied

Anonymous said...

yeah tyler i think it could be a good thing and a bad thing at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Beau to dakota
I think that education is something that you your self can control

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Matysak but what if i want to open up my own buisnesss and only take photographs of families or something like that.

Anonymous said...

If I could ask a fortune teller one question it would have to be, Where am i suppose to be in life. Like am I doing the right thing at that particular moment or are my choices going to hurt me in the long run.

mmatysak said...

Girls...why wouldn't you want to be knowledgeable about a wide variety of topics?

Anonymous said...

miss mmatysak, is Mrs. Mmatsak(: just saying (:

Anonymous said...

If I had only one question to ask it would be if I'm going to be rich. Then I would know how to set my goals in life, so I would never be in debt.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Matysak,
Well Thats the whole point of the question is what your going to be like what exactly are you going to be.

mmatysak said...

Right, but you're talking about opening your own business. You need capital to do that, so you might have to work for somebody else for awhile? And what if you have to photographs families outside?

Anonymous said...

I'm mean if people would look up to me. I dont think I'm a bad person but I'm pretty sure there are aq few people who would disagree with that. I want to know if the way i live is the right way

Anonymous said...

none of us know what vague means so i cant respond again if i dont know what that word means

Anonymous said...


education is inportant so i might want to know a head of any problems

mmatysak said...

vague means you're not being very specific

Anonymous said...

If I could ask a fortune teller one question it would have to be, Where am i suppose to be in life. Like am I doing the right thing at that particular moment or are my choices going to hurt me in the long run.

Anonymous said...

Beau you have a really good question that you would want to ask but next time spell it right

Anonymous said...

thats a good point tyler i would want to know to.

Anonymous said...

vague means not clear misunderstood :)-Elizabeth (:

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Matysak i guess your rihgt. I would need to know my history and several other things.

Anonymous said...

Nikki, I totaly agree with you on that question. It is a very good question to ask, there are so many I dont even know. You would have to sit and think about it for a long time and think very hard.

mmatysak said...

Melani, I'm not trying to kill your dreams or anything, but I don't think you should let some prediction or fortune limit your potential. Right?

Anonymous said...

? i am not the only one who knows what vague means

Anonymous said...

I agree on christian on seeing who you would marry or i would probably ask what kind of career or job i would have. Maybe even ask the exact date of my death just so i would know and might be able to stop it

Anonymous said...

Tay, thanks:)

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth- i agree with mmatysak

Anonymous said...

I would ask nothing. I would much rather my future be a suprise.

Anonymous said...

okay ill redo it if i had to ask one question it would be did i make the right choice about the job i have if i was older asking her

Anonymous said...

Well you know what I mean not specifically history, but another class you wouldn't really need to know unless your specifically going to take pictures of an object that relates to that class.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth to Jake
I like the way you word that. (: makes it sound interesting haha

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth to Jake
I like the way you word that. (: makes it sound interesting haha

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Matysak yea i prolly wouldnt go to a fortuneteller anyways. I dont want to know what my future is before i can make somthing of it.

Anonymous said...


If i was going to a fortuneteller and i only had one question to ask i would ask where will I be in the next ten years or be

mmatysak said...

Me either. I would feel compelled to act to make the fortune come true. I don't think that's any way to live life.

Anonymous said...


I kind of agree with jake, i wouldnt want to know my date of death or anything

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Matysak yea thats exactly how i feel. I dont want someone to tell me one thing and get my hopes up and then it not come true. I mean face it this is reality and life is what you make it not what someone tells you.

Anonymous said...

Nikki to Dakota,
why would you ask that, education is what you make it. You decide whether you want to do good and make something of your self or not. Nobody can decide your education for you!

Anonymous said...

Nikki no problem :p
and you know what I mean, because then if you ask something and then as your going there like a million questions could come to your head, and they could all be good, but honestly I probably wouldnt wanna go becuase everything happens for a reason.

Anonymous said...

Benjamin Best
I would ask the fortuneteller if my mom was ever going to quit drinking.=(

Anonymous said...

There are many things I'd like to know, but I am having trouble with the questions. I think the response to most of the questions would be "you already know your anwer" and I would've wasted a question.

Anonymous said...

Chance/Walter ^

Anonymous said...


Becuse i would like to see if there is any major probles that might happen

Anonymous said...

Dakota then why would you ask about your education. Ask if theirs any major problems in your future!

Anonymous said...


any major problems with my education