Thursday, December 9, 2010

Friday, December 10th

Think about the portrayal of marriage in The House on Mango Street. Now, consider the different marriages and relationships that you’ve witnessed or experienced. What is the ideal age for marrying? When is the best age for developing a serious relationship? How young is too young to get married? Explain your answers using evidence from your own life or from the book.

Post your comments then read and comment on what others have to say. Don't forget to address each other by name.


Anonymous said...

Shawn Fogarty
i think that the ideal age for marrage is 20 because you should have graduated high school and had their first job and can support who ever they marry.

Anonymous said...


The age 18 or around there is way to young to get married. They've just became an adult and are already settling down. They should wait until atleast 25 so they have time to go out and live. Or even older than that. My mom married 4 years ago. I'm pretty sure she was around 29 at the time. Now my father, he got married about 4 or 5 times. Not at an early age though. I plan to marry around 25 to 30. It seems like the right age and I'm excited to start a family of my own.

Anonymous said...

Well the leagal age to get married is 18 so i suppsoe that could be the ideal age. I couldent really say what age is best for developing a serious relationshiop it could be diffrent for every one.As for how young is to young i guess i would have to say under the age of 18.

Anonymous said...

I have been in some relationships where the guy wouold say i love you after a couple days. It may only be me but i think that is wrong. You dont say you love the person just pecause thats what they want to here or becuase someone else told you too. You say i love you to someone when you true feelings for them and dont get married just to escape something or because you made a deal or told someone you would just to tell people you are married. 18 i think is the appropriate age for marrying but only if your ready.

Anonymous said...

Shawn yea but they would have to go to college inorder to get some good money to be able to raise a family.

mmatysak said...

Jake - ideal age meaning?

Anonymous said...

Jake you can get married at 16 as long as your parents sign the papers.

mmatysak said...

Good points Melani. But define what makes you "ready" for marriage?

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Matysak I think that when you really, truely love the person you will have a feeling inside that will make you feel that the person your with is the person you will want to spend the rest of your life with.

Anonymous said...

Melani you dont have to go to college most jobs only reqire a high school diploma

Anonymous said...

I think people should wait to get married tell they are at least 22. I think they should wait becuase my mom and dad got married when they where 19 and 18. they got divorsed after having 4 kids. If you ask me 18 and 19 is to young. I think that you should get to know some one befor you date them for a year and then get married.

mmatysak said...

Shawn - really, most jobs? where are you getting your information from?

Anonymous said...

I personally think the ideal age would be arond 20 or 21. I dont think when you are 17 or 18, you really don't know if you are ready for this, you just make the assumption you are, and might make the wrong decision and finally realize it when the marriage has been together for awhile. Like melani said, I have been in relationships where the guys says he loves you but its way to early. These are my personal thoughts.

mmatysak said...

why is 22 different than 18 or 19?

Anonymous said...

The highering section in the newspaper

Anonymous said...


I think that the right time for marriage is arownd the age of 20 to 30 because at that time you would be miture about it and you might not get a divors in the first couple of years. The youngest i think someone should be in order to get married i probibly 18 or 19 only because they are at that point a leagle adult.

Anonymous said...

Shawn well the jobs that only require a high school diploma normally dont pay much and you wont last long. Most people want to go to collage and be able to get a job that is worth keeping and somthing they would want to do the rest of their lives and payes well.

mmatysak said...

20 or 21 would put you right smack in the middle or at the end of your college life? Wouldn't you want to see the world a little first?

Anonymous said...

I think 18 would be too young to get married my mom got married then and now she is remarried because it was too young for her to settle down but i think 20 would be an okay age to get married i think you can have a serious relation ship when you get about 16 because then you can places together if you drive

mmatysak said...

Shawn -
does that newspaper section have job listings for:

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth yea some guys just say i love you because they think thats what you want to hear when honestly its not, its the total opposite.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth to mmatysak,
I think f you are mature enough and ready for this dramastic change then go for it. And thats it why you choose some one to see the world with. (:

mmatysak said...

Melani- valid points made to Shawn

Anonymous said...


Well personaly I think that you should have fun while you still can. If you get married at a yound age then your tied down already. If you wait til your like,, 24 to get married i think thats exceptable because that way you have time to be free and have fun once your out of school.
If you get married right away its done and over with. thats what its gonna be like for a long time.
If you wait you ll have more freedom and more experiece with what its actually gonna be like.
I would say 16 or 17 would be a good time to start serious relationships and around 24 to get married

Anonymous said...

mmatysak: Ideal age meaning the age taht is ideal for smoeone to get married. So i guess 18 wouldnt be the most approite anwser for this questoin.

Anonymous said...

BEcause when your 19 you probley only knew the person for a couple of years. When you are 22 or 23 you have known them for a few more years. How old were you when you married mrs.matysak?

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth to Melani,
Yeah, that is what I was thinking too !(:

mmatysak said...

Well Melani, what do you want to hear then if not "I Love YOu" so early in the relationship?

Anonymous said...

alot of people are saying that you dont want to get married you want to explore the world and stuff but when you get married you can still explore the world with your spouse.

mmatysak said...

Elizabeth- nice comeback!

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth to mmatysak ,
Thank you! (:

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Matysak thank you(:

mmatysak said...

Sean-John, I was 25 when I got married. I had my first "serious" relationship when I was 19.

Anonymous said...

Christian Jimenez
I think the best age would be after 21, and I guess some people do marrie at 18 i just think thats very young and most deffenitly young at 16, I think my uncle married at 19,and hes still maried now nd hes 21? i think.

Anonymous said...

I think that if you are positive that you want to spend your life with that someone you can marry at anytime but if it was me I would wait till I was around the age 18 at the least. Dating it is different situation i think that you can be really any age to date. It is different for everyone, I think that if you are positive that you are truly ready and there is no hesitation then you can marry when your ready.

mmatysak said...

Jake - right!

Anonymous said...


personaly i think that the age for marriage should be after you get out of collage and get settled in so its probably about 25 or 26 is when you should get married because if you get married to early you miss out on a lot of stuff good and bad. Hopefully you miss out on the bad stuff anyway.

Anonymous said...

What I think is an idea age of gettig married is 22 or 23. Yeah, 18 your an adult but some at that age has a lot of growing up to do,and your just actuly starting a life of your own. The best age at developing a serious relationship would probably be 19 or 20. I personaly think 16 is way to young to even be thinking about marriage. An example is with my dad and his first wife, they got married when she was 18 and he was 19 they both didnt know what they wanted in life and thats why they ended up divorced.

mmatysak said...

How do you know you're truly ready, Melani?

Anonymous said...


I think the ideal age of marriage is 21. becuse you have a job and mabey a house or aparment. And also when you are 21 you are mature enouth to have a family.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Matysak i would want to here i love you. If that have true feelings for me then they can say they really like me a lot or express there feelings but not with the words i love you. Because honestly you cant have that big of feelings soo early in the relationship. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

How long did you know mr.matysak befor you dated? {just trying to prove a point}

Anonymous said...


Shawn, most of the listings in the job offering section require you to have some kind of further education beyond high school

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth to Melani,
So truee (:

Anonymous said...

I don't think that someone should be married at the age of 17 or 18. I also don't think that there is a specific age when marrying is okay. If your happy and your spouse is happy then that's all that matters.

mmatysak said...

That was a very honest answer!! Nice explanation! So, not necessarily hear the words but they should show them?

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth to Sean- John,
Good question.

Anonymous said...

I think it really depends on how long the two people have been together but i agree with shawn 20 seems like it would be a good age or 20 - 25. They shouldnt rush into things because hey just got out of school and they could be in collage still. I think the earliest time to start serious realtionships would be 15 and no less but 16-17 would be better.

Anonymous said...

Emily to Dakota
arent you mature at 20 as well and you may not be mature at 21 i know alot of people who are 21 and they arent mature

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Matysak i think that when you have been together for a while and your feelings start to get stronger then i think you will know.

mmatysak said...

Sean John, we got engaged only five months after we started dating. However, we waited another whole year to get married after that.

mmatysak said...

Tyler - you are correct!

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth to mmatysak,
Did you think that you made the right decision?

Anonymous said...


My job doesnt require a high school diploma and you get pain almost $2500.00 a week mrs. matysak

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth thanks.!(:

mmatysak said...

Dakota- you're just beginning your adult life at 21 and you want to be married?

Anonymous said...


Just because you are 18 or 21
sdoesent mean you are always "mature" enough to have a family just because of how old you are.
Everybody matures and is ready for a mfamily and a different point

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth to Melani,
yess'mm (:

mmatysak said...

In what respect, Elizabeth?

Anonymous said...


wait it does, but not collage just the diploma

Anonymous said...

austin what job do u have that pays u so mutch at ur age

Anonymous said...

Emily to Nikki
so what if youre happy and the other person is happy when you are younger than 17 or 18 would you say they could married then because you said they just had to be happy

Anonymous said...

Austin whats r job for that much with no diplioma

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Matysak yea some girls when they here the words i love are fine with that but if you truley love the person you will not only say it but you will also show it.

mmatysak said...

Okay, Austin - what is your job?

Anonymous said...


I believe that a good age to get married is about 25, your well out of college by then, if you went to college, which means you may have a career. That says to me that your ready to start a famiy and get married.
an age to young would be 20 and below, your not prepared usually, and it may be difficult

Anonymous said...

Nikki to Dakota,
You can keep a steady job and have a house before your 21. And MOST people mature before their 21.

Anonymous said...


not every one is mature at 21 and some people are mature at 20 it just depends but some where in the 20s is a good area

Anonymous said...

I think that 20 is a better age than 18 because why can married at a young age? When your young and you can go out and still have fun with your friends. I personally think that 20 would be a much better age or 23.

mmatysak said...

So Tyler, you're saying maturity and age don't necessarily go hand in hand?

Anonymous said...

Well do you think if you would have got to know each other things could have been better then they are. Not saying the aren't good now. I just think that if you really do love some one you should get to know them longer then just 2 or three years. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe you should wait tell you are 25 or 26 to marry.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth to mmatysak,
What do you mean by that?. I am saying when you got married where you happy, do you ever wonder what you would be doing if not?.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth to mmatysak,
What do you mean by that?. I am saying when you got married where you happy, do you ever wonder what you would be doing if not?.

Anonymous said...

Christian Jimenez
I think when you think about geting married you sould think about it because it takes alot to know about marrige and all kinds of other thinks.

Anonymous said...


a good age to get married would be 24, 22 and under is to young to get married unless you have a good job and can provied for your wife or any kids you might have

Anonymous said...

Nikki i agree but a teenager should not be aloud to get married.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth to Taylor and Nikki,
I agree but sometimes maybe its the right thing?.

mmatysak said...

Whoa, these are soul reaching questions Elizabeth - I think it's natural and normal to always wonder "What if?"

Anonymous said...

brandon that is really good


Anonymous said...

Nikki to Emily,
I def said that 17 or 18 is to young to be married so no.

Anonymous said...

great point to dakota nikki

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth to mmatysak,
haha yeah...

mmatysak said...

Hmmm, I think you have a valid point. It probably does take YEARS to really get to know somebody, right?

Anonymous said...

Yeah i agree with you Liz!!!(:

Anonymous said...

austin how do u get paid so mutch for ur age

Anonymous said...

Nikki to taylor,
Like i just said to emily i def said that 17 or 18 is to young to get married. But after they are 18 nobody can tell them they can't get married.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth to Shayla,
mmm thank you!♥

mmatysak said...

Christian and Brandon- good points!! Brandon, you sound very old-fashioned - but in a good way!

Anonymous said...


I dont really think they do, once someone hits 18 there considered an adult. once your 21 its just like a 2nd stage of an adult.
I personally dont think that jus because you are mature doesent necicarely mean you are mature enough to start a family

Anonymous said...

Nikki to taylor,
Like i just said to emily i def said that 17 or 18 is to young to get married. But after they are 18 nobody can tell them they can't get married.

Anonymous said...

Yes. :)

Anonymous said...


in our ecomey right now most people dont have steady good paying jobs if they are under 20 at least not enought to sustain a family

Anonymous said...

Emily to Nikki
but then you said as long as they are happy

mmatysak said...

Tyler- I agree with you completely!

Anonymous said...


I think you should actually know what commitment is befor you jump into getting in a serious relationship or getting married

Anonymous said...

its working at trin co with my sisters boyfreind and that how much he make and the pay scale keeps rising and iv accually seen how much he makes. like the accual pay check

mmatysak said...

Dakota- WOW WORD - sustain

Anonymous said...

Shayla to Elizabeth!(:
Your very welcome!♥

Anonymous said...


its working at trin co with my sisters boyfreind and that how much he make and the pay scale keeps rising and iv accually seen how much he makes. like the accual pay check but you have to be 18 yrs old

Anonymous said...

Emily to Dakota
actually you can have a steady job at 18 and you can have a good job that pays good when you are 16

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth to Tyler,
I agree on how you should know what commitment you are taking.

Anonymous said...


tom you have a great point because if you get married in college you might have to drop out and then you might not be able to provid for your family

Anonymous said...

Nikki to Dakota,
So you think money can buy love? Sorry to burst your bubble but money can not buy love. When it comes down to it. The little things don't matter. It doesn't matter how much money you have, it matters that your spouse is here for you through everything and you guys are happy.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth to Nikki,

Anonymous said...

Yeah Austin what is your job!?
Everyone wonders "what if" what if I said this instead of that maybe this whouln't have happened..etc. However maybe it's best that we can't go back and change things.

Anonymous said...

good job nikki youre so right and dakota has to learn that he cant get a wife by buying her