Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wednesday, November 24th

Esperanza lives in a neighborhood steeped in poverty: Mice inhabit the homes and children run around barefoot and unsupervised in yards covered mostly in dirt instead of grass and trees. With Thanksgiving just around the corner, she might be hard pressed to find much for which to be thankful.

Your job today is to help Esperanza view Mango Street with appreciative eyes. What does her neighborhood and life offer her for which she might be thankful? Respond to this post using what you remember from the book and what you can infer Esperanza might appreciate and celebrate on Thanksgiving Day.

Address your FIRST comment to Esperanza, and type your name at the end. As you respond to other comments, address the person to whom you're commenting.


Anonymous said...

Dear Esperanza,
I think that you should be thankful for your freinds that you made on Mango Street, maybe if you hadn't moved to Mango Street you wouldn't have met Lucy and Rachel.

Anonymous said...

Dear Esperanza,
I think that you should be thankful for your freinds that you made on Mango Street, maybe if you hadn't moved to Mango Street you wouldn't have met Lucy and Rachel.

Anonymous said...

Dear Esperanza,
You should be happy that you have friends and family all around you. You should give thanks that you have a roof over your head to keep you safe. Even though its not the greatest roof. You should be greatful for this things.

Anonymous said...

dear Esperanza i thnk you should be lucky cause at leat know you have a bigger house than your apartment and a nice commuity to make friends and play in.

Anonymous said...

Esperanza you should be thankful for and are lucky to have,a loving and caring family, a home to live in, a school to go to, food to eat,and a bed to sleep in.


Anonymous said...

Dear Esperanza i think youre lucky to have a house because some people dont even have houses anymore youre also lucky to live in a neighborhood where most of them are friends and they arent afraid of one another

Anonymous said...

You should be thankful to have a home where you live and all the friends that you have on Mango street.Even though it isnt the best place to live.

Anonymous said...

Dear Esperanza, I think you should be thankful for having a house to live in. Even though you do not like the house, you should be glad that you are not living on the street. You could also be thankful that you are alive. You should be thankful that you have food to eat.

Anonymous said...

You should be thankful for knowing what is wrong and bad. Some of the people in your community are not the best example for you, but some help you realize that just because they are Latino doesn't mean they are bad.You have made some really good friends on Mango Street and if it weren't for them where would you be now?.
Elizabeth :)♥

Anonymous said...

Dear Esperanza

There is very many things to be thankful for on thnksgiving.
Your neighbors or neighborhood might not be one of them but there are plenty of others.
You can be thankful for little brats like Darious that make you realize theres other people out there like you. Also, one way or another Mango Street or not you still have family to be thankful for.


Anonymous said...

Esperanza I think that you should be one of the most thankful because you now have friends on mango street and you also have a house that keeps the cold out and also the rain. You really do have a rough life but you also have a lot of people that care.

Bradi Goodrich

Anonymous said...

Esperanza I think that you should be one of the most thankful because you now have friends on mango street and you also have a house that keeps the cold out and also the rain. You really do have a rough life but you also have a lot of people that care.

Bradi Goodrich

Anonymous said...

Dear Esperanza,
There are a couple reasons that you can be thankfull for your family and how you have a house to live in this comming thanks giving

Anonymous said...

Emily i like your point cause its like mine but cause it also has a very good point not every one has a house and with the times know there are a lot of people with out houses

mmatysak said...

Your posting rocks!!

Anonymous said...

Christian Jiemez
dear esperanza i think ur lucky to have a family that loves you, you sould be thankful for having friends on mango street because you dident have any freinds before, and a house to live in and running water.

Anonymous said...

Dear Esperanza,
You have a family, a house, food, water, friends,and clothes you could be thankful forand those are things that matter the most.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth 2 Nikki,
I agree, she should be thankful for being alive, having a house,not the house she may prefer, but its a house isn't it?.

Anonymous said...

Sean John,
I like yuor Comment she sould be thankful for those things even though they are not the best at least they are better than nothing.
Nikki, Same for you.

-Meagan :D

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth 2 mmatysak
Thank you!:)

mmatysak said...

Tyler, I liked that you brought up Darius.

Anonymous said...

Beau its not really a nice commuity when a little kid jumps of a building and dies

Anonymous said...

i love your post Elizabeth and Beau i posted before you so yours would be like mine not mine looks like yours

Anonymous said...

Why thank you Meagan

Anonymous said...

I Love your comment! :D It explains everything she should be thankful for.


Anonymous said...

Dear Esperanza,
Look on the bright side of things..your smart, funny, and nice. In the future all of this will come to be very excelent for you. You have friends and a family and some kids would trade anything for those.

mmatysak said...

Beau - good point about the house being better than her past apartments

Anonymous said...


Dear Esperanza there are so many thing to be thankful for on thanksgiving such as all your family bing to gether and still alive and for the fact that you get to have a family to sit down and eat dinner with because there are some kids that dont even have a family or even eat a thanks giving dinner and the wons that do have and family might not even be able to eat or offord the thanksgiving dinner.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth I really like your post because you make a lot of good points

Bradi Goodrich

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth 2 Tyler
I like you post. I like how you use an example, and prove your point:)

Anonymous said...


Your very welcome Sean John!!

Anonymous said...

You did a splended job! I liked it very much sir.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Elizabeth about living on a street with latinos isent bad! great example!

Anonymous said...

Shawn it was the boys fault he thought he could fly not the commuintys fault so Beau is right about making friends easy in the commuinty

mmatysak said...

I like how you focused on how her character traits are going help her in the future.

Anonymous said...

Like i said "Even though you do not like it, at leatst you are not living on the street"

Anonymous said...

Dear Esperanza,
I think you should be thankful for your frinds you have on Mango Street. You should also be thankful that you have a home to live in because some people don't even have that. You should look at what you do have and think about what otheres don't have that, you have electric,running water, friends, family that loves you, an a place to sleep. Some may not. You should also be thankful that you where taught what is right from wrong, like that deal with the car when he stole it then the cops caught him and he got arrested. You don't wanna be in that position.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth 2 Bradi, Meagan, and Emily.
Thank you very much i like all of your posts. They have good points in them too :)

Anonymous said...

You should always remember theres someone out there that has it worse than you

Anonymous said...

great point Austin i agree with you because some people dont have a family at all

Anonymous said...

Dear Esperanza,
You should be thankful for having friends, a home, clothes, food, water and more. You should also be thankful for Mango street because thats how you meant 2 of you best friends. Some people dont have what you have.

Anonymous said...

Good points Shayla :)

Anonymous said...

Why thankyou ma'm(:

Anonymous said...

Meagan did it

Anonymous said...

i agree with your statement tom because the things you include for examples of what she has are the the most important things we need to survive.

Anonymous said...

what did Meagan do?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


well thank you sir,
And thank you too Elizebeth and Mrs Matyzak

Anonymous said...

Meagan did what?

Anonymous said...

I think that Esperanza's sister should be thankful for an older sister to show her the right way so she don't become a gangbanger

Anonymous said...

Thank you Elizabeth!!

Anonymous said...

Meagan did it all

mmatysak said...

Good point Sean-John, Esperanza is a pretty good role model, isn't she?

Anonymous said...


Yes sean john a gangbanger or end up like marion would not be a good thing to do

Anonymous said...

Yes she is

Anonymous said...

Meagan Meagan Meagan

Anonymous said...


very nice commet elizabeth

mmatysak said...

Why wouldn't you want to end up like Marin?

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth, thanks Christian:) i like all the points in your post.:)

Anonymous said...

Austin, thank you very much :)