Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tuesday, November 9th - Low-Income Families

Think about the following statement: Low income families oftentimes accept their fate and do not work hard to better themselves. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? Explain your answer using information from your own experiences.


Anonymous said...

no i dont agree with this statement because we are a low income family and my grandpa and grandma still work hard they try to get more money

Anonymous said...

Bradi Goodrich

I don't agree with that statement at all because most of the people that don't have a job find little jobs to do like cutting wood for other people or mownig grass or other things like that.

Anonymous said...

No I don't agree with this statement. If you really want to get somewhere in life you have to work hard even though you have low income you should still try your hardest to achieve higher income.

Anonymous said...

I personally definately do not agree with any of this statement. People should not just give up on life. You should always try in life and NEVER give up. You should think about what you are doing before you actually proceed with it. If you work harded people might see you as a hard working person and might hire you for a higher income.

mmatysak said...

Meagan, re-read the question. Do people of low-income just accept their fates?

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth ; If you worked harder. my bad

Anonymous said...

These are lies. Because my dad dosen't get much income and he still works. He had a chanse to file for diseblity last nouth but didn't and wanted to keep working. So no.

Anonymous said...

Christian Jimenez
I dont agree with this statement, because jobs are hard to get these days and if they do get work, i think there more focused on paying off there bills then trying to better them selves.

Anonymous said...

Well i kind of agree and disagree. Because some people do work hard to better them selves. Some people like to be better then everyone else. There are some people tho that dont have to work hard to better themselves because they are fine with the way the are and dont need to work to be better because they are already better by just caring.

Anonymous said...

I don't agree with this statement cause i thnk they work just as hard any other family or harder so they can ceep all of there pesehoins

Anonymous said...


I highly dissagree with the statement because we have a very low income and can barely pay the bills in fact were losing some of the stuff we own, but were still working hard and ever trying to find side jobs to help pay the bills.

Anonymous said...

In some cases i believe this is true, it seems that some just dont care, as in people out of the ghetto, it appears that some of them dont even try, but immigrans work very hard for what they could get in most cases, and i respect that.

Anonymous said...


Yes I agree. If people accept low income that means they must not work very hard.
If you barely work thats pretty much saying that your lazy!
People work more for more money and higher income. If you work a low income job when your capable of a higher paying job you shouldent be whinning that you dont have any money.
Aply yourself and work harder at things you can make more money

mmatysak said...

Elizabeth- same comment I directed at Megan. This is not so much about what you believe. You're evaluating what others do in these circumstances.

Anonymous said...

No I don't think that they should because even though they have low incomes they should still try harder to have a higher income.

Anonymous said...

i agree and disagree i meen sometimes people just give up after trying to get a better life and fail. But sometimes they keep trying but they may not have good opportunitys to get a better life but still try.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes this is true but i have also seen many people who work there hardest and still have a hard time but they make the most out of what they have. Some people also have a hard time finding a good job.

Anonymous said...

Emily very true(:

Anonymous said...

I disagree with tom.

Anonymous said...

I agree with meagan's last comment.

Anonymous said...


i like ur statement beau

Anonymous said...

Meagan good job(: lol

Anonymous said...


Thank you Elizabeth :D

Anonymous said...

i also disagree with Tom

Anonymous said...

Yeah but Tyler some times you cant get another job and the income you get is what you get no matter how hard you work

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth that is a very good point(:

Anonymous said...

Melani i agree with your meticulous statement.

Anonymous said...

I strongly disagree with the statement. Most of us would not accept our "fate" we would try and fix it. Some people do work hard to try and fix their mistake but other as the statement says do not even give an effort.

Anonymous said...


Thank you Melani :D

Anonymous said...

I agree with Christian.

Anonymous said...


Elizabeth i agree with ur state to .

Anonymous said...

i agree with you christian

Anonymous said...

Shawn i agree with you what you are saying

mmatysak said...

Why do you disagree Shawn?

Anonymous said...

if you keep trying you will eventually get a better life but if you give up its over

Anonymous said...

Thank you austin:)

Anonymous said...

no i dont agree its wronge to assume that low income family dont work hard like maby there parents are hurt and cant work like my mom is on disabilty so we have low income but she works as hard as she can to make sure we get every thing we need

Anonymous said...

Ben Best=)
I don't agree with that because my mom works hard but doesn't get pay very much money.

Anonymous said...


So yeah i agree that they accept the fact their lower income.
Higher income jobs involve you to work harder. So they accept lower income and dont try to reach higher
then yes they accept it.

Anonymous said...


Many times this does happen. On the other hand people often find some kind of way to earn their dough. As a teenager I hardly have money but I get around and find ways to earn it.

Anonymous said...

tylor what if that person has a job ,but the pay check is only so much, even if they work hard at it?

Anonymous said...


nikki, i agree with ur satatement as well

Anonymous said...

i agree with what youre saying nikki

Anonymous said...

Austin i agree with what you are saying and i hope things get better

Anonymous said...

I agree with your statement Nikki

Anonymous said...

beau, eventhough you did not spell some words right i agree with your statement:)

Anonymous said...


Mrs. Matysak do you know what's for lunch to day.

Anonymous said...


I somewhat agree with tom,but some people try really hard but they get nothing for it that is why some of the people from the ghetto just don't care.

Anonymous said...


Christian if you do get a small paycheck than you can save your money and try to improve your life.

Anonymous said...

Chance : Class
Ya'll is doin a real good dandy job on these worksheet bloggin things! Keep up the good work and you's are gonna get rewarded(:

Anonymous said...

Not really tyler because Because if you ever bused tables at a restront you know that you have to work really hard to do this but you dont get payed that much at all but the people at the regester who just anwser calls and take money get payed more then you.

Anonymous said...

Jacob William Ryan
I for one dissagree with this statmet. Just because a family has low income does not meant that they are going to "accept their fate". Their are lots of people that are trying to better their sefls even tho that they have a low sourse of income.

mmatysak said...

Sloppy joe!

Anonymous said...

Chance wow nice(:

Anonymous said...

beau, eventhough you did not spell some words right i agree with your statement:)

Anonymous said...

To Christian: People paying bills and trying to better themselves have nothing to do with eachother.
If they are that focused on paying bills they call try to get a higher income job making it a win win situation cause your bettering yourself and paying your bills off

Anonymous said...

Chance your funny :)

mmatysak said...

What are some ways they can approve themselves?

Anonymous said...


I dont think you understand my point, there are those who rely on the government and dont work very hard, then there are those who are disabled and have to rely on the government, but some take it for granted, but i also believe that when immigrants come to this country in most cases are hard workers, trying to make it and have a fair chance like the rest of us do

Anonymous said...

well put mason

mmatysak said...

I meant improve

Anonymous said...

Melani Look at my really good wow word i used in saying i liked your statement :)

Anonymous said...

Melani Look at my really good wow word i used in saying i liked your statement :)

Anonymous said...

Brandon i agree with you about not being able to work your mom could be trying hard and still you guys could make low income

Anonymous said...


Chance i like what u said about how even if we dont make alot of money we can still find a way to make a little more.

Anonymous said...

Did any
body agree with this statement

Anonymous said...

shawn what if you just get enough to pay the bill for that month or week or how ever the bill cycle goes, you dont really have any left over with ur self it would take some time.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth wow. good job.

Anonymous said...

Melani mucho gracias :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah sean-john but you dont have to be a bust boy. You can aply for different positions at that restuarant other than bust boy.
But yeah I agree with you cause some people do work alot harder and play work farely and make less
that people that slack of and cheat there hours and no its not fair.

mmatysak said...

You're point about not having enough money left over is a good point Christian.

Anonymous said...

Yeah but tyler when you do aply for a higher job and your boss says no.........Then what?

mmatysak said...

Your point about the bus boy is a good one. But think on a larger scale - you can't just apply for any job, can you? You have to have qualifications.

Anonymous said...

Chance @ Sean-John
"Yeah but Tyler some times you cant get another job and the income you get is what you get no matter how hard you work." That is so very true, but you do get raises within hard work, dedication, and lots of time.

Anonymous said...

to:tyler, what if they cant fined another job that pays a higher income, i think it would be difficualt.

Anonymous said...


Well if it comes down to that Christian and your working hard at a job maybe try finding another job that pays just as much or more for doing less work than that.
Jobs arent really hard to find either. Its a matter of you only aplying for a job that they want to do instead of sucking it up and doing a job they dont want to to make more monery for less work.
People dont try to aply themselves hard enough when trying to find a job

Anonymous said...

All i have to say to all the people who agree with this comment Not every one can controll the amount of money you get. Not every ones boss will give them higher pay.

Anonymous said...

I agree with meagan because you have to work hard towards something in odered to get some where in life.

Anonymous said...

mmatysak that was a very nice point and its very true. people do have to have qualifications and they have to reach certain points.

Anonymous said...


Yes tyler i agree with you

Anonymous said...

Hey tyler your wrong there because in todays economy it is hard to find jobs.

Anonymous said...


You aply for a new job? And actually stand up for yourself and actually try to pick up a new application

Anonymous said...

Sean- John i agree with your statement about how the economy is hard to find jobs these days.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Sean-John

Anonymous said...

You cant tell people to higher you. If ou do they will juust tell you to get out

Anonymous said...

christian to tyler
what if ur at a good job allready and you take a chance at another better job they say there going to higher you , you leave the job you where at, someone takes ur spot at the old one, somthing goes wrong with the new job, cant get back to ur old one? what now???

Anonymous said...


No im really not wrong its not hard to find a job.
Its just hrd to find a job that you actually want to do.
Theres plenty of jobs for people out there you have to find one that you can get and not be picky about what your doing.

Maybe learn a new traite?

Anonymous said...

Dang Tyler is on a rampage!! He has a point too. Your money, life, everything depends on the decisions you make and if you decide to be lazy and cry about it sure your still going to be in the low income group.

Anonymous said...

Not true tyler. Because Every one wants a job. And not every one can have one.

Anonymous said...

Tyler to Christian.
Bosses dont change their mind they cant tell you your hired then have someone else take your spot after they tell you you have the position

Anonymous said...

If they give you the job thats great tyler. But they wont always give you the job.

Anonymous said...


and you should make sure your new job is sicure befor you start it waht now????

Anonymous said...


Their not handing out any job you want, sometimes you have to settle for less, so im going with tyler on this one

Anonymous said...

Your wrong. Dig it tyler!@!!1

Anonymous said...

Tyler. Thank you also tom for stickin up for me.
shove it sean-john!@#$%^&

Anonymous said...
