Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Post 3: Wednesday, November 3rd

Yesterday you discussed neighborhood. Today, think about the following statement: You can tell a lot about a person by the house in which he or she lives. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? Explain your response with one example from your life. Remember to select "Anonymous" from the drop-down menu.

After responding to this question, read one other person's blog post and write a response to it.


Anonymous said...

No you cant tell by the house because they could live in a bad nasty house but they could be clean and nice or they could live in a clean nice house and be bad and nasty

Anonymous said...

I disagree. The house may look all run down but that doesnt mean they are not good people. They could be really nice people but maybe they are disable or just can't get out and do the work that others can.

Anonymous said...


You can somewhat tell because if the house is big and looks really nice than you can make an infreance on how wealthy thy are:)

Anonymous said...


No,there are good people that try to make do with what house they have, and cant always help the fact that they dont have the greatest house.

Anonymous said...


No I dont agree,
People can live in a nasty house and be "clean" or a nice person,
Kids cant control what there house looks like.
Parents may not have money to make renevtions to there home.
The condition of the house does not always reflect the kind of people that live in it!

Anonymous said...

No, i don't quite agree with this because someone could live in a nice house but not be so polite and the same the other way, someone could live in a horrible, disgusting home but be the nicest person.My neighbor is really nice and polite,but her house isn't the cleanest.

Anonymous said...

I kinda do agree on that statement because you are the one who takes care of your outside home and the inside also. And your house kinda shows they life style you live.

Anonymous said...

Bradi goodrich

I agree with this statement because if the house looks like crap then it means that the famaly dosn't care how they live or how they look.

Anonymous said...

no because the person could be to old to take care of the house like at my grandparents house

Anonymous said...

I guess you can tell by looking at there houses. If there house looks nice maybe there good people that cares, and if there house doesent look nice and just doesent look taking care of maybe there bad people,rude,or just lazy.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth i agree with what you had to say(:

Anonymous said...

No because they could have a nice house and the person might come out of the house looking nasty and if the person live in a nasty house they could come out of the house looking clean.

Anonymous said...

I do not agree because it shouldnt have a big effect on the person. If the house is not the best or the biggest the person could just be short on money and cant afford a nicer house. That dosent really make a person who they are so i would say no.

Anonymous said...

Meagan :D

No, some people may attempt to keep thier house clean but the others in your house hold may destroy it all the time, not caring what it looks like.

Anonymous said...

I think that is kinda true but at the same time wrong. Because 94% of the time people dont live alone. Unless your a creeper. So it's kinda hard to tell but sometimes you can cause if the house is trashed then that person is just lazy. but also if the house is like REALLY clean then some one might be a little OCD

Anonymous said...

no because the person could be to old to take care of the house like at my grandparents house

Anonymous said...

I don't agree because my gf lives in a messy house and shes not mean at all.

Anonymous said...

Melani thank you, I like the way you wrote your description of why you chose this.

Anonymous said...

Melani i agree with you kinda, but they can try and clean the place up. Or if they arent able they could have their family help them clean it.

Anonymous said...

I agree with this statement cause the houses you live in shows what kind of class you have. It also shows waht you like in the world

Anonymous said...

Jake Ryan As i said yesterday where someone grows up has a large impact on there way of life. I agree with the statement. I myslef fell like if you came to my house you would be able to tell alot about me.

Anonymous said...

I somewhat agree with the statement because, it is your own responsibility to keep your house looking nice. So if your house looks nasty or dirty than that's your own fault.

Anonymous said...

dont totally agree with some people. Yeah ok they dont have the nicest house,, doesent necisarily mean that they have money to fix it though, but yes some people are just lazy and dont care, but not everyone is like that

Anonymous said...

Bradi i dont agree with you they may care about how their house look and how they look but maybe they are too old to take care of the house or they cant afford to do anything with the house

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth thank you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Meagan's comment sounds like my house.

Anonymous said...

your a good person tom

Anonymous said...

Dakota Burton

i do not agree with this statement becuse you could be rich but live in the old brooken down house you grew up in. like me and my family are poor but we live in this nice new 2 story house but we used to live in old apartment, so i dont agree with statement

Anonymous said...

i also agree with ur statement taylor

Anonymous said...

Taylor but what if they dont have family to do it. They could be capable of doin it but maybe they dont have the time.

Anonymous said...

Beau, I don't agree with your opion, because what if the person living in a home is disabled and can't move or clean, but the person is really caring and nice?.

Anonymous said...

apple pie

Anonymous said...

Tyler i agree with what your saying that makes a lot of sence

Anonymous said...

Not necissarily(spelled wrong) but if the house has a malodorous stench coming from the house more than likely the person is going to have equal or similiar qualities. My house is sometimes messy but still smells normal.

Anonymous said...

taylor I agree with you.

Anonymous said...

hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi

Anonymous said...

This guy

Anonymous said...

Chance's is the one that starts out "Not necissarily(spelled wrong)

Anonymous said...


reneck is Austin Stacy

There i said it, stop asking

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Elizabeth it looks like i live in a crapy home but yet im a good person, right?

Anonymous said...

funny, right..... just kidding :) you live in a nice home and you are very nice and polite :)

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth thank you. but i dont think my house is as nice as some people.

Anonymous said...

Melani, you are very welcome and your house is probably more nice then mine :)

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth, no your house is very nice just like you(:

Anonymous said...

melani, thank you very much :)

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth, no problem. I am just a truthful person. lol.

Anonymous said...

Melani, right.... :)

Anonymous said...

A disagree with this, because there house may not be nice, but that don't mean there trasy people. For example my granmas house on my dads nice is not nice inside but there good people.