Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday, November 8th - Identity

Think about what you and your classmates posted last week. How do your neighborhood, your house, and your name contribute to your personal identity. How do these elements reflect and contribute to the person you are?


Anonymous said...

Ben Best

Anonymous said...

Bradi Goodrich

I think that your name is one of your main identities and that your house and your neighborhood dos'nt really matter.

Anonymous said...

It doesnt really contribute because my neighborhood isnt the greatest but its not that bad either and my house is clean but not that big and theres alot of people with the same name as me

Anonymous said...

Your address, house, and name doesnt change the person you are but it is important for your identity because it seperates you from everybody else.

Anonymous said...

I think that it your name has nothing to do with your personality because you dont pick it. And your Neighborhood Could kind of tell you but at the same time not and with your house can because if its not clean your lazy if its clean your ocd :).

mmatysak said...

Good points Mason and EMily!

Anonymous said...

Ben Best
I don't think they do contribute to my personal identity.

Anonymous said...

i think that you neighborhood and house can affect you identy but i do not think that you name has any affect to your personality. you house if it is clean could put you in a better mood while your neighborhood affects the people you interact with witch could rub off on you and affect how you act while you name has no affect on you personality

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Mason

Anonymous said...

Your neighborhood,doesnt really reflect on the kind of person you are. Although it could change the way you are or the way you live. Your house does a little bit becuase you have control of how clean it is on the inside and outside, and your name identifies you as you. But it shouldn't reflect on what kind of person you are.

Anonymous said...

These things contribute to my personal identity because who you are and what you are known as shows people what kind of person you are. If i live in a bad house but have a great peronality and live in a bad neighborhood doesnt make me a bad person pecause it is just a place in which i live.

Anonymous said...

i think that it does comtribe to me cause we life in a remote spot and have a clean house that pretty much desribes me.

Anonymous said...


Your town, neighbors, and identity
all squeeze in with who you are.
People in a town like ours are different but have parts of town where people are different than others.
One prt of the town acts like this, the other acts like that.

Anonymous said...

Christian Jimenez

I think ur name is the most importent out of all. Your house might show how you are like by how clean you keep it. It depends on ur neighborhood because you might not be like all the other people in that neiborhood.

Anonymous said...

Um. Your neighborhood could help contribute to your personality by the activities there may be in your community or if you attend these activites, and also depends on what kind of neighborhood it is, a bad neighborhood, a good one, etc. I personally don't think your house helps contribute to your PERSONAL identity, because the person in that house may be handicapped and can't move to clean the house but may be very nice. I personally think your name doesn't contribute to your personal identity because your parents chose the name not your self

Anonymous said...

I agree with Sean-John's anwser

Anonymous said...


I agree with Sean-John

Anonymous said...


the way your neighborhood, your house, and your name contributes to the way you are because its what you grow up around and to.

Anonymous said...

Tyler i agree with your statement(:

Anonymous said...

i agree with you emily

Anonymous said...

I dont think that this statement is true because you might live in a bad neighborhood and not be a bad person, or you might live in a good neighborhood and be a bad person. Looks are decieveing and some things are not as they appear. You have to get to know someone before you know thier identity.

Anonymous said...

Your name is our own identity but our neighborhood doesn't matter just because the nieghborhood has a bad reputation doesn't mean that the reputation is true about who you are. Just because someones house is dirty doesn't make them "dirty".

Anonymous said...


I agree with sean john..

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth i liked what you had to say(:

Anonymous said...

Tom Conway

I dont think any of them actually do, your name is a form of identification,and may tell you a backround of that person,like nationality, but that certaintly doesnt describe a person, and a house and neighborhood is just a place, it doesnt determine what kind of person you are

Anonymous said...

the only one that realy contributes to my personol identity is my name your neighborhood and your house dont realy reflect your identity

Anonymous said...

Your town and neighborhood matter in telling who you re but your name doesent affect the kind of person you are

Anonymous said...

really great points elizabeth

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Nikki.
and Melani :) ♥

Anonymous said...

Megean sometime your are a bad person and do live in a bad hood.

mmatysak said...

So Megan you think it's important to know somebody first?
Is it ever okay to make assumptions about people based on their name/neighborhood/home?

Anonymous said...


I like your statement it kinda changed my mine about what i said.

Anonymous said...

Thank you melani.

Anonymous said...

Nikki nice point.

Anonymous said...

Jake Ryan As i said last week where you live has a lagre impact on your life. Someones name on the other hand does not really tell much about that person like ther house and or neighborhood would.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Meagan

Anonymous said...

know mrs. matysak it not okay to make assumptions about people based on their name/neighborhood/home.

Anonymous said...

You are who you want to be..they may affect who you are as in a messy house but you could easily get up and clean it.

Anonymous said...

Meagan. Happy?

Anonymous said...

i agree with tom

Anonymous said...

Sean John, I didnt say that you couldn't be a bad person and live in a bad neighborhood. I was just saying that sometimes you might live in a good neighborhood and be a bad person.

Anonymous said...


it dose contribute to your identiy just by how people judge you by the stuff you have and how you are named but other than it dose nothing more than that. but you good could be a great person in side but have a crapy broken down house or have a name like beoa of live in a bad neighborhood but you could be a good person in side just you have been labled diffent so nobody will talk to you

Anonymous said...


know mrs. matysak to make assumptions about people based on their name/neighborhood/home.

Anonymous said...

Matysak, No it is not okay to "make assumptions" on people because of where they live, how they live, or what their name is.

Anonymous said...

sean why would u agree with ur self

Anonymous said...

well put mason

Anonymous said...

Nikki&&Elizabeth I agree with you.
Its not really about the house or neighborhood you live in, and really people shouldn't be judging you unless they really know you.

mmatysak said...


Anonymous said...

i agree with you chance.

Anonymous said...


no Its not relly ok to judge people like that.
Most people in an rea are generally the same yes but not ll of them, guess its ok to make assumptions but hold it over them
and to kee from getting o know them

Anonymous said...


meagan I like your statement it kinda changed my mine about what i said.

Anonymous said...


i like ur statement to

Anonymous said...

Tom Conway

I think its okay to assume, it doesnt mean you will be correct, but if i know a family with a 10 bedroom house an indoor pool, 4 car garage, and lives on 40 acres im going to assume your wealthy

Anonymous said...

Taylor i like what you had to say. it was really good.

Anonymous said...

Bradi goodrich

Sean i agree with u some what.

Anonymous said...

Tyler i think that is a good point

Anonymous said...

good point emily

Anonymous said...

i agree with your statement tom.

mmatysak said...

Good point Tom. It's in our human nature to make judgments/assumptions, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

it dose contribute to your identiy just by how people judge you by the stuff you have and how you are named but other than it dose nothing more than that. but you good could be a great person in side but have a crapy broken down house or have a name like beoa of live in a bad neighborhood but you could be a good person in side just you have been labled diffent so nobody will talk to you

Anonymous said...

Tyler had a good point

Anonymous said...


is mine good mrs. matysak?

Anonymous said...

Christian Jiemenz

I think poeple look at you differently from what ur house looks like, and how you dress, and what hood you live in.

Anonymous said...

Why do people spell easy words wrong..and use the wrong words? Anonymous used "know" instead of the correct "no". Come on people we're in 9th grade and Mrs. Matysak, NO it's not alright. It's kind of like being prejudice but that's only my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Thank you bradi

Anonymous said...

i agree with both mason and tom

Anonymous said...


Tom I agree with your statement completely

Anonymous said...

Mrs.Matysak, no its not okay to make assumptions about others, because if you dont really know them then you cant judge them.