Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday, November 22nd- Freedom

Before you type any response, think for a moment about the word freedom and what it means to you. In what areas of your life are you most free to do what you like? In what areas of your life are you the least free? Do you think having unlimited freedom is a good thing? Why or why not?

Remember you should post a minimum of TWO times. When you are responding to another student, include their name and specifically what you like/dislike about their posting.


Anonymous said...

freedom isnt really free for us it is because we are still underage i am most free in my house i can do pretty well what i want im least free at my real moms house i cant do anything there having unlimited freedom isnt a good thing because people just take advantage of it

mmatysak said...

Emily, what are some ways that people take advantage of freedom?

Anonymous said...

Freedom is only free is we make it free and a lot of people just dont realize that

Anonymous said...

I'm most free on the weekends when I get to go away from my home and parents. During the week I'm least free with my mom and stepdad there. Freedom to ME is being alone or with some friends.

Anonymous said...

I am most free to be myself. Nobody can make me be someone im not because i have that freedom. I am least free when it comes to being alone. I am not aloud to be by myself. It is sometimes good to have unlimited freedom and sometimes it isnt. someone could take the word freedom the wrong way and do something there not really suppost to be doing.

Anonymous said...

We have men and some women fighting for our countries freedom so, freedom is not all free. I have more freedom when I have responsibilities. I have less freedom when something is dangerous or when it is something that might hurt me.

mmatysak said...

Beau - can you tell us what you mean a little more specifically?

Anonymous said...

Freedom to me means that you make your own decisions that you don't have someone telling you what to do or to act like you make your own choices.

Anonymous said...

Mrs.Matysak they dont think about how they got to be free and they dont care about the stuff they use and there are other ways but i dont really know how to explain it

Anonymous said...

Dakota Burton

i think haveing unlimited freedom would be a bad thing becuse there would be anarcy on the streets and looting and lots of other not so good things but some freedom is good becuse then you can talk and think and learn what you like.

Anonymous said...

Christian Jimenez
I think the most freedom i get is when i go to my dads house because he lets me do pritty much what ever i wont. i feel the least free in school! i think unlimited freedom isent a good thing at all because like people allways get what they want and iff they dont get it they get very angrey soo yeah i think it isent best to have unlimeted freedom.

mmatysak said...

Are those soldiers fighting for their freedom or are they fighting for the freedom of others less fortunate?

Anonymous said...

Mason T
I think having unlimited freedom would be a really bad thing because people would do more things they would regret. For example, I have a good amount of freedom at home but not too much to were i would get in alot of trouble.

Anonymous said...


I seem to have a lot of freedom more outside of school than in school. I think that they dont have a good balance in school. For instance, they should be able to let you leave the property to eat lunch, but their should never be too much freedom, otherwise people would do what they please

Anonymous said...

Well said on the response to Mrs. Matysak. You really told her!

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth yea very true about how we do have people fighting for our right to be free. good point. I have more freedom to when i have responsibilites because it shows my parents and everyone else that i am mature for my age.

Anonymous said...

freedom to me is where you can say how you feel about something with out consequences, act how you want, and believe what you want with out being judged.

Anonymous said...


Emily is right, freedom isent really free to us yet because we still cant dive and do this and that. Age plays a factor in freedom. obviously if your 15 your not gnna have the freedom to drive and go places like you could if your 16 or 17.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Chance

Anonymous said...

People think of freedom as how we are a free country but thats not true at all. We lose men and weman evry day so we can be free and there is this awsome thing called taxs. but rather then that you can have freedom to do what you want. Like i have the freedom to go anywhere i want.

Anonymous said...

I think have having freedom is bad because people think that they could go out and do anything they want. Than they would regret it in the end. So i say that freedom is a bad idea.

mmatysak said...

Thanks for your enthusiasm Chance!!!

WOW word goes to Dakota- anarchy!

Anonymous said...

mmatysak,these soldiers fight for americas freedom. We don't have slavery, no kings, we have freedom. We still have laws to follow though.


Anonymous said...

Meagan i think no matter what there is always someone telling you what to do...

Anonymous said...

Bradi Goodrich

I think of freedom as something that can be good and also bad only because some people abuse our freedom. I dont get alot of freedom only because i am 15 and my parents a very overly pretective. I wish they would give me more freedom but they dont. I think freedom can be a bad thing sometimes because people dont really know what they mean when they say freedom. I am glade that we have our freedom only because we dont have to do what we dont wont to do.

Anonymous said...

Dannng! I really liked your explanation on this topic.

Anonymous said...

Tom i really agree with your statment and think that would be nice but like you said no one should have to much freedom

Anonymous said...

The definition of freedom to me is pretty much being free, being able to do whatever you want with no regrets. I don't know what areas in my life i'm most free. I think having unlimited freedom is a bad thing. With no rules or boundaries everybody could just go do what they want when they want. So if there were no laws, when people would be murdered nobody could do anything about it.

Anonymous said...

christian Jimenez
I agree with what tayler is saying about the freedom for driving if you to young. good example tyler.

Anonymous said...

Tyler we can all drive. Just not legaly

Anonymous said...

Shayla yea but do you have freedom to do somethings that you want???

Anonymous said...

i agree with Elizabeth

mmatysak said...

Nikki, You have to be able to figure out those areas you are most free!!

Elizabeth = I challenge you to think more about this soldier issue. Are they only just fighting for America's freedom?

Anonymous said...

Yeah but Melani you dont have to listen to them

Anonymous said...

Jake Ryan
Freedom to me means that you can do what you fell like doin when you fell like doin to. I suppose i fell most free when im out and about just doin what ever. I would have to say if fell least free when im at school just becasue of all of the rules and what not. As fro unlimited freedom i think it would be pretty awesome becasue well as i said freedom to me is doing what you want when you wnat, I suppose unlimited freedom would resault in anarchy...

Anonymous said...

I agree with Bradi's statement, on how too much freedom is bad , but i think not enough isn't good.

mmatysak said...

Good point Sean-John- so while we're free to drive, most prefer to respect the law

Anonymous said...


Shawn, remember to explain why you agree with elizabeth

Anonymous said...

Sean-john, I agree with you. I like your examples.

Anonymous said...

Melani, Yes there is always someone telling you what to do but you have more freedom if you live at home then you have both your parents and more and more people telling you what to do, but if you have some sort of freedom then not very many people are telling you how to live your life.

Anonymous said...

Nikki very well said on the last part everyone has to have rules and boundaries

Anonymous said...

Sean-John yea but are we suppost to be driving???? No we could get cought and thats a freedom we dont have until we are 16

Anonymous said...

mmatsak- soldiers fight for everyone in america. and them selves.
- Elizabeth

mmatysak said...

Thanks for pointing that out to Shawn!

Anonymous said...

Too much freedom is a bad idea to me.
If you have to much freedom you act like theres no rules then you start doing stupid things and end up getting in loads of trouble either by your parents or the authorities

Anonymous said...

I agree with jake

mmatysak said...

right, but for who else? Why are we in Afghanistan and Pakistan right now? Just to protect America and Americans?

Anonymous said...

mmatysak, I don't know when i am most free,

Anonymous said...

ahh ok. mmatysak, i see what you are saying. -Elizabeth

mmatysak said...

What do you agree with specifically?

Anonymous said...

Meagan okay good point about when your living at home there are more people telling you what to do

mmatysak said...

So what am I saying?

Anonymous said...

Christan Jimeenz
And even if you are able to drive you never have the freedom to just go as fast as you want or have way to many people in ur car or truck.

Anonymous said...

I agree with jake about it causing anarchy but i agree with tyler to because it would be a bad thing. Everyone would be in trouble and there would be chaos.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Jake having unlimited freedom would be pretty awesome but in an other way it would be a very bad thing having everyone go around doing what they want when they want to.

Anonymous said...

Tyler and Elizabeth have points i meen you need laws and some laws go aginst your freedom but to much freedom would have serious consequences

Anonymous said...

Dakota Burton
no one has unlimited freedom you will get controled for you own safty and safty for others.
and its a good becuse there is no anarcy. everys ones example has how they cant do some thing what about the stuff you can do like go to school or you right to speech some places you cant vote or do anything. NOT even the usa has unlimited freedom becuse of most fo this

Anonymous said...

Yeah Melani I do get some freedom to do what i want, But some people take it and do things there not suppose to be doing.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth if there were just soliders in our country there wouldnt be wars so soliders fight for everyones freedom just not in america but everywhere

Anonymous said...

Thank you Melani

Anonymous said...

Soldiers fight for freedom of the world and the right things.:)

mmatysak said...

Nicely phrased!!

Anonymous said...

Many of the soldiers do join the military to fight for OUR freedom.. however many more join because they are going through a tough time or they're in deep doo-doo and need a way out of their troubled times. Either way they are giving their lives so we can continue on our lives.

Anonymous said...

Thank you mmatysak:)

mmatysak said...

Emily too!

Anonymous said...

Shayla yea but someone could pretend that there someone important and make someone believe that they really need to do this thing that they want and if they dont they could get in alot of trouble...think about it.

mmatysak said...

Chance darling,
I'm not saying they don't join to protect their freedom. I was making the point that their mission also included protecting the freedom of EVERYBODY in the world.

Anonymous said...

Melani, yah true!

Anonymous said...

Shayla yep.

Anonymous said...

Melani yupp yupp!(:

Linzeyuwmj said...

Melani Meagan okay good point about when your living at home there are more people telling you what to do