Thursday, November 11, 2010

Friday, November 12th - Jealousy

Think about the following statement: There will always be jealousy among family and friends. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? Explain your answer using information from your own experiences.


Anonymous said...

i agree with this statement because in my family there is alot of jealousy over what stuff the rest of the family have and friends also sometimes have jealousy because they want what the other friend has or they have more money or something

Anonymous said...

Bradi Goodrich

I Bradi Goodrich somewhat agree with this statement because if u are dateing someone and one of ur friends could like them to so that could be one example and with ur family I dont really know because I am the oldest and that would be strange if one of my little brothers liked a girl that i was dateing because they are so younge.

Anonymous said...

yes because there will always be something someone else waunts like my friends are jealous of some games i have and im jealous of some games they have

Anonymous said...

i do agree with this statement because everybody has to be jealous at least once in there life time.

Anonymous said...

I kind of agree and i kind of disagree. There wont ALWAYS be jealousy between them. They will sooner or later get over the jealousy stage. My sister is jealous of me because she says im prettier then her which is not true. She is soon realize that im not.

Anonymous said...


I agree with this statement.
Even if people dont show their emotions they may still feel like an outcast or the black sheep of the family

Anonymous said...

Well duh! Why wouldn't there be? Everyone has something they're jealous of. A prime example is when one of your friends gets a brand new item and you haven't gotten it yet and your very jealous of them.

Anonymous said...

I agree with this statement because normally in a family if my dad lets my sister go some where it isnt fair to me and same the other way. Also if you are friends with someone that just got a new ipad or something someone will probably get jelous and want one of their own .

Anonymous said...

Emily that is very true. Friends sometimes do want what there other friends have.

Anonymous said...


Mason is right.
at one time or another in your life you will be jelous of one of your friends or family members

mmatysak said...

So what are some ways we deal with this jealousy?

Anonymous said...

I agree with this statement everyone wants something different about themselves weather it is that their hair is a different color or thier eyes are a different color and thier friend or thier family memeber may have that trait that they want which would cause jelousy to occur.

Anonymous said...

I agree with this statement. Someone is almost always jealous of someone else for what the other person has that they don't. Jealousy is a big part with many relationships.

Anonymous said...


Because if one gets somehting nicer than the other than there will be jealousy

Anonymous said...


I agree with u Emily because there is alot of jealousy in my house over things like TVs and who has the better bedroom and other stupid things like that so I am agreeing with u because that happens in my house alot.

Anonymous said...

Bradi yea but if they are truly good friends then they will back off off the guy because they know how much that boy means to that person or girl.

Anonymous said...

elizabeth very good points and thanks melani

Anonymous said...

I Dont think that among my male friends their is jelousy, but with girls there always seems to be a bit of jelousy. I dont know why, but i guess they feel hated if there not a certain persons best friend.

Anonymous said...

I agree with this statement.
Because like girls in the family there allways jealous about whos the prittest and who has the best boyfriend, and stuff like that or you could have more monney then your other family and have better stuff like a plasma,ps3,xbox 360, nice house they will get jelous Ive expirensed this throught out my whole life.

Anonymous said...

I agree with chance

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Matysak,
We sometimes deal with this jelously by getting over it by finding something else that is way better than what you wanted in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Tom ^

Anonymous said...


nikki well said about jealousy

Anonymous said...

Melani. you are too pretty and your sister is too. My sister and I usually dont have to much jelousy of each other to bad but if it is something simple like if i got a new pair of shoes and she didnt because she didn't go, she would be jelous or get mad

Anonymous said...


I think sometimes we deal with jelousy by excluding ourselves from those people at sometimes other people may just come out and and say that their spoiled or be rude to them

Anonymous said...

i agree with this statement cause there will always be something that cause conflict in a family over something toldy not werth fighting abot

Anonymous said...

masons right everyone has to be jealous at least ounce in there lifes

Anonymous said...

I agree with this statment because jealousy is all around. You can not make everyone happy because they have there own thoughts and standards.

mmatysak said...

Good point about backing off your friend's girl.

Anonymous said...

Dakota Burton

I agree with thos statement becuse there will allways be jeaslosy becuse not every one is treated the same. like i am the oldest of my siblings so i get betters stuff and i will be the first one to drive my brother who is only a year behide me is very jeaous and my sister is allways up set that i get money to go places and she allways cant leave the house so there will always be jealousy in familys unless you can treat every one the same!!!

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth yea its normally like that. I have that happen to me all the time. My dad will let Brittani go somewhere but not me.

Anonymous said...

fighting over something stoldy not weth fighting about

Anonymous said...

Chance@Mrs. Matysak
One way would be to get what the other person has. Your jealous of something so you can have possession of it.

Anonymous said...


Nikki i agree with u because i think that without jealousy in life than life would be very boring and no one likes a boring life.

Anonymous said...

mmatysak , some people take it out on their parents, if they are jelous of something someone else has they might nag their parents to get something similar or better.

Anonymous said...

mmatysak , some people take it out on their parents, if they are jelous of something someone else has they might nag their parents to get something similar or better.

Anonymous said...

Jake Ryan
So I thought about it and I have come to the conclusion that jealousy does always seem to find it's way in to friendships and family matters. Say someone in your family of one of your friends has somthing or can do somthing pretty awesome but you on the other hand can not. This could indeed cause some jealous.

Anonymous said...


Mason i agree with u all the way.

Anonymous said...

Beau even though you spelled alot of words wrong i do agree with your statement

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth yea this happens all the time to us lol

Anonymous said...

Tom I disagree with what you are saying. Males can also have jelousy like what Melani said guys get jelous when there are guys all over thier girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

I agree with tyler about people calling them spoild

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Matysak yea if your a true friend you would understand that your friend really likes this person and you need to give them some space and move on to some other guy.

Anonymous said...


I think everybody gets jelous its just about how you show it.
Im not trying to be sexest but girls seem to make their emotions known a little more than men do

Anonymous said...

Melani yeah me too, I'm not going to lie I get jelous when she gets stuff that i dont :) but then my parents try to make up for it. lol and thanks emily

Anonymous said...

jake i think that this is a really good point and makes sence

Anonymous said...

Dakota Burton
You cant get rid of Jealousy unless you treat every one eaxtly the same

Anonymous said...

Emily, good point about your friends and family being jealous because one has more than the other.
Melani, good point about one backing off it they are a true friend.

Anonymous said...

Christians right.
theres always going to be family rivalry wrather their a close family or not.

mmatysak said...

Tyler, what you're saying is that guys/girls deal with their jealousy in different ways

Anonymous said...


Tyler this is totaly true and makes a lot of sence

Anonymous said...

Tyler, why do you say that?. Dont take this as i am being mean i just want to know.

Anonymous said...


Jealousy is a way of life.

Anonymous said...

Taylor, i agree with you because jealousy is everywhere

Anonymous said...

i agree with tyler

Anonymous said...


I agree with you tyler

Anonymous said...


Yes Mrs. Matyzak I do think that both boys and girls deal with jelousy in different way resorting to different things

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi miss. matysak i see you!!!