Friday, October 29, 2010

Posting 1&2: Monday, November 1st- Neighborhoods

Think about the following statement: You can tell a lot about a person by the neighborhood in which he or she lives. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? Explain your response with one example from your life. Remember to select "Anonymous" from the drop-down menu. Make sure that the first thing you type in is your name at the top of the post.
After responding to this question, read one other person's blog post and write a response to it.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

No,I do not agree, a person could live in a fancy home but not be very clean, although they have money. Then again some could not have money and live in not a very good neighborhood, but be clean and respectful. Like I know some people they dont live in a very good neighborhood in Chicago, but they are very nice people.

Anonymous said...

Maybe, but their personality may be completely different from their home. I live out in the country in a normal house so I'm sure someone would say "It's just another everyday American".

Anonymous said...

I dont think you can tell a lot about people because where they live. Because some people move into the wrong neighborhood. Or they live there and the wrong people start to move in to the neighborhood. So no you cant tell a lot about a person because where they live.

Anonymous said...


I think you can learn alot from what neighborhood they live in. Not all people from that neightborhood are the same or take the same actions.
The area where I live teres alot of different kind of people that do different things.

Anonymous said...


I dont agree with that statement,Ive lived in three different types of neighborhoods, and no change was brought upon because of this, Ive remained the same type of person for the most part.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes you can tell alot about a person by the neighborhood you live in. Like for instance when most people hear the word park view, they instantly think "trashy", but my sister use to live in park view and i do not concider them "trashy".

Anonymous said...

I myself think you can not tell a lot about a person by the neighborhood they live in because everyone is different. When I lived in my old house it was in a bad part of town but that doesn't mean that I was a bad person. When trouble started I would just stay away from it or go inside until it stopped. I wouldn't get invovled with it all.

Anonymous said...

Bradi ivan

I do but i don't agree with this statement because i used to live in a trallor park but i was never as bad as all of the other kids. I don't agree because as the saying goes don't judge a book by it's cover.

Anonymous said...

Meagan Ray

No, apperence can tell a lot about a person but sometimes looks are decieveing. You have to talk to the person for about a day or so to get to know them. You can't just look at a kid and then automatically not like them.

Anonymous said...

No i dont agree to this statement, becaues some people might live in a bad nighbore hood but they could be good/nice people.
I think the neighborhood i live in where all pritty normal in my life.

Anonymous said...

No because you might not know the person that well. Like if there is a new person that moves in your neighborhood you dont know how they live.

Anonymous said...


I think that sometimes this statement could be true because if a child grows up around people who does bad things he or she will not know whats right from wrong when they grow up. For example, i was always taught not to swear but if my parents ccursed all the time i would end up doing the same.

Anonymous said...

Chance's comment is the one with no name. :D

Anonymous said...

Ben best
I don't agree with that because I

have a friend who was realy nice

then on that same street there was

some people who were not so


Anonymous said...

I agree with you

Anonymous said...

Hey megan the post has nothing to do with apperence. Just saying:)

Anonymous said...

Jake I think you can tell a lot about a person by the neighborhood in which they live. Were you live can have a big impact on the way you act.

Anonymous said...

Nikki, i agree with the whole park view thing also. Not everyone down there is a bad person.

Anonymous said...

No you can't judge a person by where he or she lives. They could live in a bad neighborhood but they dont have to be bad. When i was younger I used to think that if some people in a neighborhood were bad then the whole neighborhood was bad it just depends on the people.

Anonymous said...

Hey Meagan I agree with what you said but i am pretty sure it took alot longer then a day to get to know you.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with this statement cause you should never judge some one bye the the out side of them. I met a person that was a really nice person and was nothing but kind and worm hearted but when i went to his house it looked like a bum him self lived there.

Anonymous said...

No i dont agree with this statement because, some people could live in a bad neighorhood, but that dont mean there bad people.

Anonymous said...


Yes because people act like the way they grow up

Anonymous said...

Hey Mason i agree with what you said it doesnt matter about the neighborhood it depends on the people

Anonymous said...


I believe Meagan and Christian both have good points.

Anonymous said...

Taylor, see most people don't go with the reputation of park view that live there.:)

mmatysak said...

Mrs. Matysak

I disagree Sean-John, I think that the "appearance" of a neighborhood says a lot about that neighborhood.